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Storage Ideas for a Small Dorm Room

Have you recently moved away from your parents’ home for the first time in your life? Perhaps, you’re attending college at a location thousands of miles away from your parents’ house. You might be having difficulty fitting all of your belongings in the small dorm room you’re staying in. If you can relate to this bothersome scenario, finding ingenious, storage solutions is crucial. For instance, you might want to install open shelves in your dorm room. You can place textbooks, computer supplies, photos, and other items on these convenient shelves. Investing in a closet organizer is also a great idea. You may even wish to rent a unit at a storage facility near your college. On this blog, I hope you will discover how to smartly store your things while living in a tiny, dorm room. Enjoy!


Have Trouble Getting Around? Find A Storage Unit That Is Naturally Accommodating

12 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Getting into an accident may have led to an injury that keeps you from getting around easily. You may only be able to walk with the assistance of balance support, but your lifestyle may not have changed. It just requires that you get creative with how you do things to avoid major complications. If you end up needing additional storage space in your home, you may not want to move out just to meet this need. Read More …

Looking to Cut Costs on Hiring Movers? Take a Strategical Approach to Leaving Items Behind

11 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When you first start thinking about a move, you may envision taking all of your possessions. But, once it gets closer and you begin to request estimates about how much it would cost to move everything, you might find out that your budget will not be enough to cover the transportation of all your items. It is at this point that you will need to decide whether to increase your budget or find a way to cut down costs. Read More …