Complications You Might Face When Moving Crossing State Lines With House Plants

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Storage Ideas for a Small Dorm Room

Have you recently moved away from your parents’ home for the first time in your life? Perhaps, you’re attending college at a location thousands of miles away from your parents’ house. You might be having difficulty fitting all of your belongings in the small dorm room you’re staying in. If you can relate to this bothersome scenario, finding ingenious, storage solutions is crucial. For instance, you might want to install open shelves in your dorm room. You can place textbooks, computer supplies, photos, and other items on these convenient shelves. Investing in a closet organizer is also a great idea. You may even wish to rent a unit at a storage facility near your college. On this blog, I hope you will discover how to smartly store your things while living in a tiny, dorm room. Enjoy!


Complications You Might Face When Moving Crossing State Lines With House Plants

24 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Are you so attached to your house plants that you cannot imagine leaving them behind when you move? If your answer is yes, you should know that moving with plants, especially across state lines, isn't a straightforward affair. Here are some of the complications that may plague such a move:

You May Not Be Allowed to Move the Plants

Each state has laws on which plants you can or cannot bring across its borders. These laws are in place to protect the plant life in different areas. For example, some states have dangerous plant pests while others are relatively free of such pests. In such cases, the states that are free of pests may outlaw plants from the pest infested states. Other states are also known to harbor dangerous plant diseases that spread fast; plants from such states may also be outlawed by others. Lastly, there are also invasive plants that you may not be allowed to carry across state borders.

You May Require an Inspection First

In some cases, your destination state might not bar you from bringing your plants with you, but they may require an inspection first. Such inspections are usually aimed at confirming that the plants you are carrying aren't diseased or infected with pests. You may even be required to treat your plants against specific diseases (those common in your area) before carrying your plants with you. This makes sense since even you will not want someone to bring diseases or pests into your home.

The Plants May Die 

Even if you are free to carry the houseplants with you, they may not thrive when you arrive at your destination. The stress of moving isn't only felt by human beings and pets; even plants feel it. Exposure to extreme temperatures, lack of sunlight, and inadequate watering are some of the triggers of plant stress during relocation. For example, locking up your plants in the back of a windowless moving van may stress them to the point where they might die shortly after arrival. You need to ensure that the plants are well taken care of (mostly in terms of temperature control, water, and air circulation) during the move and give them extra tender loving care on the first few days after arrival.

Due to all the above complications, some moving companies have policies against transportation of plants. Therefore, if you plan to move with your house or garden plants, make sure you mention it to your prospective movers when seeking quotes. For more information, visit a business such as