Tips To Ensure Your Plants Don'T Die After A Move

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Storage Ideas for a Small Dorm Room

Have you recently moved away from your parents’ home for the first time in your life? Perhaps, you’re attending college at a location thousands of miles away from your parents’ house. You might be having difficulty fitting all of your belongings in the small dorm room you’re staying in. If you can relate to this bothersome scenario, finding ingenious, storage solutions is crucial. For instance, you might want to install open shelves in your dorm room. You can place textbooks, computer supplies, photos, and other items on these convenient shelves. Investing in a closet organizer is also a great idea. You may even wish to rent a unit at a storage facility near your college. On this blog, I hope you will discover how to smartly store your things while living in a tiny, dorm room. Enjoy!


Tips To Ensure Your Plants Don'T Die After A Move

13 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Moving can be very stressful for plants. If you aren't careful, your beloved plants will wither and die shortly after your arrival. Here are a few preemptive tips to ensure your plants don't meet such a sad end:

Heavy Watering A Few Days Prior to Departure

The moving environment may expose your plants to extreme temperatures that may dry up the leaves and roots. For example, the dry air of the winter season can easily dry up house plants that are used to comfortable environments. Therefore, increase the amount and frequency of watering for your plants in the days leading up to your move. This heavy watering will ensure that the plants have more water than usual, which means they won't suffer much, even if they lose a lot of water during the move.

Decreased Exposure to Light

For outdoor plants or plants that have always been exposed to light, the dark environments of your moving boxes or van may trouble them too. The sudden denial of light may shock your plants. Therefore, prevent the shock by (gradually) decreasing light exposure to the plants you plan to transport. For example, you can bring the plants indoors to a secluded place and draw the curtains so that they can get used to the reduced light intensity.

Ensure Adequate Airflow

If you will be transporting the plants in boxes, make sure the boxes allow proper air flow. This means you shouldn't use airtight materials, such as plastic bags, for packing the plants. In the same vein, it would be dangerous to pack the plants in boxes and then tape the boxes. If you must do so, cut several holes on the sides of the boxes to facilitate air circulation.

Gradual Acclimatization Upon Arrival

The preemptive measures don't stop after the move. When you get to your destination, the plants should be some of the first things to be unpacked. Even if you aren't planning to unpack everything at once, take the plants out of the boxes and give them some breathing space. Give the plants time to acclimatize to their new surroundings. For example, outside plants shouldn't be exposed to direct sunlight immediately upon arrival; make the exposure gradual.

Note that some movers do not transport plants; therefore, mention the issue of plant transportation when seeking quotes from local moving services. Also, if you will be crossing state lines, ensure the laws and regulations allow you to transport plants. Many states will bar you from moving with plants if they suspect the plants may spread diseases or pests.